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The Generational Differences in Hair Styling
By Swan Cove Spa & Salon

Hair styling, including coloring and haircuts, tends to differ with every generation. We're seeing younger generations be bold and throw tradition out the window while older generations occasionally enjoy a fun color but maintain tradition. Here are some of the key differences between generations.

Younger Generations Color More

According to The National Library of Medicine, about 86% of people between 18 and 24 have colored their hair at least once. However, among individuals aged 35 and above, the percentage drops to around 40%. That's because hair coloring is more than just a cool look to younger generations; it's an expression of self. Coloring your hair is a way to be creative, free, and enjoy having some fun with your hair.

Millennials are More Cautious

This is seen in hairstyles, haircuts, and coloring choices. Where younger generations will rock the mane of a lion in neon pink to look like a new person, older generations, such as millennials, tend to go a little more conservative. This is seen in the texture of the hair because they often don't want as much volume. The color choices tend to vary, with some millennials selecting unnatural colors and some opting for natural colors.

Baby Boomers are Very Conservative

Regarding age, the older the generation is, the more conservative they tend to be. Baby boomers will often opt for stylish haircuts suitable for their age. Color choices are often natural instead of unnatural, and long luxurious locks are considered something for younger generations.

Gen Z Remains Unpredictable

A member of Generation Z will walk into a salon saying they want to look like a new person. They'll show up with conservative blonde hair below their shoulders and leave with half their head shaved and the other half died blue. This is the bold generation, and they don't care what others think about it.

There Are Exceptions

While there are general rules of thumb for generations, exceptions exist. You may have the mature woman that wants a haircut and her hair died purple or the individual from Generation Z that insists on only wearing natural hair colors. However, in trends that we've seen so far, these tend to be the exception, not the rule.

We understand that every individual is different. While it's fun looking at generational differences, speaking with each client to determine what they want for themselves is equally important. Contact us to talk about your new look today.

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